Sunday, September 9, 2007

Superman Returns

So I finally saw Superman Returns last nite at Palu & Sagar's house and I have some issues with it. Well I have one big problem that really pissed me off.

Ok so the premise of this movie is that scientists believe that they may have found traces of the planet Krypton so Superman goes back to see if it's still there. Superman returns after he finds out that it's not there. Anyways, how'd he make the trip there and back? Well in the movie he flew. But how can he fly there? Everyone knows that Superman is super because of our galaxy's yellow sun. Krypton wasn't filled with super people because they had a red sun. So how can he go from one galaxy where he's super to another galaxy where he's not super without dying? Once he left our sun's reach he would've become normal and then died in the void of space. I mean, come on people! Do some fact-checking.