Wednesday, September 19, 2007

But I AM a boy!

This is a funny story. When I was a little boy, I had gone back-to-school clothes shopping w/ my parents. My mother handed some clothes to me and instructed me to go try them on while she and my father went to check out more clothes. I walked into the changing room and went into a stall. Shortly afterwards, one of the employees at the store came into the changing room and said, "You know, this is a men's changing room." I replied, "But I AM a boy!" hahahaha I still crack up every time I think about it. Why did he think I was anything else but a little boy? Once I got out of the changing room, I told my dad what happened and he made fun of me. hehe Actually, back then I had not yet hit puberty so my voice was still soft. So I remember that when my dad made fun of me, he said it in a really high voice hahahaha

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