Friday, September 21, 2007

My Pics

We have a bunch of clowns at work. One of the biggest clowns is my lifelong friend, Mike. For those of you who don't know, Mike and I have known each other since we were 5. That has its upsides and downsides. The good: a really good friend. The bad: he has dirt on me! lol Well not really dirt, but rather embarrassing pics of me. A few years ago, he brought a picture of me from Kindergarten in which I had paper rabbit ears on and was holding a paper egg basket. He was actually in the picture w/ me but when he made a copy of it, he conveniently cut himself out. So this little bunny was photocopied and resized and put ALL over the office. He can still be found on various cubicle walls and even in the small kitchen by I.T. For a while, it seemed like he was actually multiplying like a real rabbit!

A couple of months ago, a doctor from England was taken in for being a terrorist and his face was blown up on the cover of The Post. This guy just happened to look like me. So by the time I got to work (and mind you, I get to work pretty early) I see a copy of the cover of the post on my desk. I proceed to find copies of it all over the place at work. So what do I do? I autograph them :-)

T got tickets to the Yankee game tomorrow! I'm going w/ Anand, Len and T! Woohoo!

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