Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Aye It's Gorgeous!

$10 for anyone who guesses where "Aye it's gorgeous!" is from!

I'm still alive! Construction on the new house is moving along. I think we're going to tackle the basement bathroom next. We plan on ripping out what's there now and putting in a full tub (since the current bathroom only has a standing shower) and new tiling. That will be quite a feet. The rest of the house looks so nice! I can't wait to move stuff in. We have been moving things in a little at a time as we get done with rooms. I still don't have internet at home. I am at panera right now using their free internet. Oh, how sad am I? I miss being able to check on my fantasy team! Ah well, I am too busy working on my house to have time for going online. At the end of the day, i'm so exhausted that I don't even want to move.

Ok I have to go now because we have a tenant coming to sign a lease in a few!


White Toast with Butter said...

"quite a feet" - you are putting in a bathroom shaped like a foot?

Ankit said...

hahaha i'm such an idiot. i mean feat. i can't spell. in my defense i was posting from panera and my sister kept telling me to hurry up.

White Toast with Butter said...

Get use to it - women will make you hurry for the rest of your life.

I know - I make a 100 typos a day - but I thought it was funny talking about a tub and feet. It's lonely when you have a 3 y/o old for company all grab onto the little things to make you happy.