Friday, May 18, 2007

Summer of Ankit!

So I just started my two week vacation and when I got home, the episode of Seinfeld where George hurts himself during "the summer of George" was on tv. His body was in a state of severe atrophy because he didn't do anything but sit around at home. hahaha! Well, I don't think I'll the luxury of laying around. I'm closing on the house next Wednesday so before that I'll be working on our current place so it'll look nice when renters come to look. Then we'll work on the new place (painting/some construction) before we move in. I think I'll tear down some of the fencing this weekend in preparation for moving day. Plus there's so much stuff to get!

1 comment:

White Toast with Butter said...

We could use some handy work over here! I'll cook vegan for you! Don't party too much at the wedding. Give Washington & Christine our best!