Thursday, December 6, 2007

Waiting for the bus sucks

There is a Bubbles laundromat on the corner where I wait for the bus in the morning. Bubbles is a chain of laundromats. It's actually a pretty big one and I must say, they keep it very clean. You wouldn't think this, but there are quite a few people who do their laundry before 7am. Who knew? This bus stop doesn't have one of those booths which can shield one from harsh weather. So on mornings like today (22 degrees and breezy and the bus is 10 mins late) it can get rough.

There's this Spanish girl that waits at this bus stop everyday. When the weather gets cold she sits inside the laundromat on the seats by the large windows facing the bus stop. I have seen others do that from time to time, but this girl does it every day. Now, I don't like waiting in the cold but I also don't think it's right to just go in and sit there if you're not there for business purposes. It is a business establishment, after all. So she sits inside and I stand in the cold/rain/snow/sleet/etc. I pace back and forth when it becomes unbearable. When I see a bus coming, I get so excited. Oh the number 85 bus will come and shelter me! I am quite disappointed when I see that it's the number 83 bus. Anyways, when the 85 comes, I take a few steps toward the curb to get on. Usually, there's a middle-aged Spanish guy that gets off at our stop, so we let him off first before we go in. However, the Spanish girl that I mentioned before is very sneaky. When she sees the 85 coming, you can see how flustered she gets as she gathers her belongings and rushes out of the laundromat so she can be the first on the bus. She jets out the door and CUTS IN FRONT OF ME! She does this everyday. She comes from taking warmth from the laundromat without reimbursing it in anyways and acts as if she's entitled to be the first to be comforted by the warmth of the bus. I deserve to get sheltered first! I don't care if this sounds childish or politically incorrect because women should go first, but I paid my dues! I froze my ass off! Sometimes I try to make it difficult for her by getting as close to the bus as possible, but I don't want the guy who gets off at the stop to think I'm not giving him his space. So she sneaks in. I guess it's not the end of the world if I wait a few more seconds but she is what's wrong with this world. People take the easy way out and feel as if they're entitled to the same rewards as those who worked for it. Want another example? The mortgage rate freeze offered by Bush today. People took the easy adjustable rate mortgages and now that it's time for the rates to increase, they get bailed out. And here I am, still chugging along with my responsible 30 yr fixed mortgage at a higher rate than these punks w/ the ARM's.


Anonymous said...

if the laundromat ownwer doesnt care she sits in there, then u should sit in there as well! and next time she cuts u, push her...HARD! =p

White Toast with Butter said...

I would say something to her - like "Excuse me, I think it is time to add your fabric softener". I would so say something...ask Jim - that is why I am PRESIDENT of our house!