Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Vacation! ...not so much

Soooo I have the week off from work. Actually it's a week and a half. My dad took a week off too so we can both work on my sister's room in the basement. We moved the kitchen/laundry area out of their original location and are going to put it in the middle of the basement. The old kitchen/laundry area and the room next to it are being combined to make my sis a HUGE 18 x 11 bedroom. It'll be cool. Her bed and stuff will be on one side and her closet and desk will be on the other. I'm going to put up pics as soon as I can. She'll just have a subfloor for now. I have to put it all over the basement before I start putting down the laminate flooring. This is really hard work! I wake up at 7:30 am and start work at about 8 am and work all the way until at least 8 pm. My arms are actually aching right now so I'm going to stop typing. adios!


Anonymous said...

ur blog entries are boring =P

White Toast with Butter said...

I don't think your blog entries are boring. People that are so bored that they have to make boring comments on blogs are boring. :-) Next vacation why don't you spend it on the sandy beaches of Franklin Square? We have lots of to do lists.