Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm like Sylar

For those of you who don't watch Heroes and don't know who Sylar is, allow me to explain. He's a bad guy with a power to grasp how another person with a power clicks - how they use their power. He then goes on to chop off the top of their skulls and absorb that person's power. Whenever he starts to read a person, they play a ticking sound in the background. He was originally a watch repairman and first displayed his power by grasping the inner workings of a broken watch. Skylar sees a person and has the ability to see their inner workings; sees why they're "broken" - for lack of a better word. He can see what's wrong with them and what makes them the way they are.

I think I'm like Sylar because I am also pretty good at getting to know the inner workings of a person once I get to know them. I know what makes them tick; and what makes them tock for that matter. I know some aspects about them that they may not know themselves and I link these traits to one another in my head. I take conversations, actions and the like to form a tapestry of that person.

So even if you think I don't know you and I don't know what's wrong, I do. For those close to me who are broken, I do hear you ticking. And I'll do whatever it takes to fix you.

1 comment:

White Toast with Butter said...

I hope you don't have to cut the tops of our heads off to see our brains to help us...that would really hurt.