Thursday, April 12, 2007


You know how they say that buying your first house is one of the most stressful things you'll do in you're life? Well it's totally true. I never thought about it, but it's totally true.

The sellers want to close on the house as soon as possible and I'm not opposed to that but they really pissed me off while we were in Attorney Review. They took forever to respond to our Rider! One the one hand they want to rush me but on the other they take their time negotiating the contract! I really couldn't start w/ the normal house-purchasing procedures like inspection and looking for a mortgage until I got a contract signed. Anyways, I got word that they signed the contract yesterday so I booked my inspection for this Saturday. And I'm speaking with a few mortgage people.. but the trend in interest rates seems to be upward so I hope to lock in with one of them soon.

The money is probably the biggest stress causer. I guess it's because I've never laid down so much money at once. Plus we'll be balancing mortgage payments for the new house and our current house. (well we'll be renting this place but what about until we find tenants?) I have to send in a check tomorrow for 5 figures. gulp! 5 freakin figures! Ok I should stop freaking out. I'm getting a house. That's a good thing. I can't wait for my tax refund next year!!

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