Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ankit-san is number 1

Jay and I say dumb/corny things to each other all day long. During lunch there was something on tv about construction and Jay said something about a stud-finder. And, of course, my response was "I don't need a stud finder, I'm right here." He shot a look of "are you drunk" at me. So I told him to take a poll of everyone in the cafeteria if I'm a stud. He didn't want to poll everyone because there were people in the room he didn't really know. But he asked this one Japanese girl and she gave and emphatic yes and added that I'm very popular with the Japanese girls there. Oh yeah! :-) I'm going to go over and drop my pen in that area and give the ladies a treat. hahaha i should take advantage.. it's not like I have a girlfriend or anything.


Anonymous said...

can u please put up another entry that's nicer? i'm not a fan of seeing this entry at the top everytime i come to this page =(

Anonymous said...


White Toast with Butter said...

I think that is funny - it is something Jim-san would say. Ankit-san is a genius!!

Although - Ankit you really wouldn't want to be looking for studs right?